General guide to writing a research paper: hints & tips

We know how difficult it is to write a paper besides doing proper researches. You need to be passionate about the topic, have to feel the topic from the root, find out various clauses and evidence to support your argument and so much to do. The first thing that you need to have is time. If you are writing a paper of 10 to 20 pages in length, you need to give at least a month to write, make out your findings, scrutinize and then have the paper ready.

However, if you hurry you would be finishing the paper before time but at the same time, the details you put on the paper will be vague. In order to prepare a detailed paper, you need to thorough research. Therefore, to write an effective paper with broad information and in less time you need to follow some basic tips. Here are some tips that the experts at have discussed to help degree students write better papers.

You have to remember 3S’s of writing a paper

When you write a paper, you have to remember the three popular S’s –

  • The paper should be Simple
  • The paper about the topic should be Specific
  • The idea that you have put on the paper must come with presumed Surety

When you write a paper, it is important to take instant notes

Have small index cards of different colors to write the name of the author, date, page number at the top of the card. On a separate index card, jot down all the bibliographical information and your references. This will help you to recognize the footnotes and will make citation easier at the end of your paper. You must be accurate when you note the statistics and direct quotes of the author. Make sure that these elements are error-free.

Have an outline for your work

The outline is one the critical step that one has to take while doing a research paper. The paper you are making would be good if you have the outline ready. In order to make an outline, you do not need to put many hassles. Write the introduction at the top. Set up the statement carefully, so that it matches with the content gathered. Just below the introduction, you must put your headings, subheadings and have a conclusion. You must leave space between all these points. Now when you sit to write the paper, take out the note cards and find out what points you will use to illustrate your citations.